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quarta-feira, 12 de abril de 2017

Testament Souls of Black download mediafire

1."Beginning of the End" 0:36
2."Face in the Sky"3:53
3."Falling Fast"4:05
4."Souls of Black"3:22
5."Absence of Light"3:55
6."Love to Hate"3:40
8."One Man's Fate"4:49
9."The Legacy"5:30
10."Seven Days of May"


sexta-feira, 7 de abril de 2017

Dokken Back for the Attack download mediafire

1."Kiss of Death"5:51
3."Night by Night"5:23
4."Standing in the Shadows"5:07
5."Heaven Sent"4:52
6."Mr. Scary" (instrumental)
7. "So Many Tears" 4:56
8. "Burning Like a Flame" 4:46
9. "Lost Behind the Wall"4:19
10. "Stop Fighting Love"4:52
11. "Cry of the Gypsy" 4:51
12. "Sleepless Night" 4:32
13. "Dream Warriors"

Mamonas Assassinas download mediafire

1. "1406"
2. "Vira-Vira"
3. "Pelados em Santos"
4. "Chopis Centis"
5. "Jumento Celestino"
6. "Sabão Crá Crá"
7. "Uma Arlinda Mulher"
8. "Cabeça de Bagre II/Música Incidental: Baby Elephant Walk"
9. "Mundo Animal"
10. "Robocop Gay"
11. "Bois Don't Cry"
12. "Débil Metal"
13. "Sábado de Sol"
14. "Lá Vem o Alemão

quinta-feira, 6 de abril de 2017

Scatha - Take the Risk (2017)

1. Take the Risk
2. Second Chance
3. Breaking Proofs
4. Movido pela raiva
5. Fulminant Attack
6. And Then There Were...
7. Seven
8. Rmf
9. Cadência e porrada
10. The Random Master
11. Dark Clouds
12. Keep Thrashing!

terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2017

Nuclear Assault Fight To Be Free download mediafire

1-Fight To Be Free
2-Equal Rights
3-Stand Up
4-Brain Death
5-Final Flight

Municipal Waste The Art of Partying download mediafire

"Pre-Game" – 0:39
"The Art of Partying" – 2:04
"Headbanger Face Rip" – 1:51
"Mental Shock (Deathripper Part II)" – 1:48
"A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Destroyer)" – 2:12
"The Inebriator" – 2:07
"Lunch Hall Food Brawl" – 1:58
"Beer Pressure" – 2:37
"Chemically Altered" – 2:21
"Sadistic Magician" – 2:09
"Open Your Mind" – 1:54
"Radioactive Force" – 2:27
"Septic Detonation" – 1:20
"Rigorous Vengeance" – 2:12
"Born to Party" – 4:20

Bonus Tracks

"Thrashing's My Business... And Business Is Good" – 0:50
"I Just Wanna Rock" – 2:09
"Boner City" – 1:13

“” Não curta depressão... Curta rock and roll que é bem melhor...””

“” Não curta depressão... Curta rock and roll que é bem melhor...””